Adams Apple

Satan will try to convince us to work tirelessly for what we already have (by God's original design). Telling us God is not who He has said He is. And if we believe the lie then by default we'd believe in our hearts and minds that we are not who God made us to be. Satan does this in order for us to eat His fruit (death) rather than the Tree of Life.

Its the same old trick and scheme that Adam fell for in the Garden. God's plan of redemption is to have us reconciled with Him. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we'd be one with God even as He and the Father are one. By the Spirit of God we can be empowered to be sons of God. His very own children, doing what God called us to do on this earth. Before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they used to walk in the "cool of the day" with the Father as He would come like a refreshing wind. But after they ate of the fruit of the deceiver, instead of walking free with the Holy One, they hid themselves from Him. How tragic that is. What is the forbidden fruit? What is Satan trying to have us eat in order to keep us away from eternal life? The fruit of Satan is deception, it is lies that lead to death. Don't believe the words of the enemy. He is the enemy of your soul. Why? Because you were made in the image of God. His goal is to steal the truth from you, kill your hope and destroy the purpose of God inside of you, which is to walk as an image bearer of God.

No matter what you have done. No matter if it was years ago or yesterday, let go of the weight that so easily besets you. Cast your cares on the LORD. He carried our sin on his back so that we would no longer have to. He was bound to the cross so that we would no longer have to be bound by the LIES of the enemy. Those lies are often followed by sin. Sin is followed by condemnation. Condemnation brings insecurity. Insecurity is a wall that blocks you from the truth that sets you free. Which turns into a perpetual cycle of spiritual madness. It feels like chaos within. It’s so difficult to get out of if we aren’t fully trusting God and willing to lay it all down. This is why Jesus said we must be like children. We must receive the simple gospel, that we are forgiven and set free. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. This is why I don’t agree with the 12 steps method. They would tell you “once an addict always an addict.” But Jesus says “He who the son sets free IS FREE INDEED!!!”

My prayer today is that everyone reading this will be set free NOW! Be set free from what ever lie the enemy is holding over your head. Be free and live free. God loves you and He has not left you. Amen


-Ryan Birk


 P.S. Book coming soon (IDENTITY “truth that sets you free”)


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